Is the love between the two over or is it just a bad phase?

Is the love between the two over or is it just a bad phase?

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Test description

Is the love between the two over or is it just a bad stage?
We are used to consuming content (films, books) that make us believe that love is perfect, seamless, always stable and harmonious. However, nothing in life is static and love is no exception to that rule. You can consult with whoever you want around you: Even the most iconic and ideal couple has gone through one or several crises.

If you want to live a real love you will have to be willing to move on despite disagreements and bad times that may arise along the way. Because that's what a true couple is all about. To accompany each other and to know that the intermittencies, the moments of distance and discord, are also part of growth.

But there are also moments of inflection in which it is time to make the decision to end a relationship. When the crisis and the conflicts stop being transitory and settle in the couple as a reality, it means that the relationship is becoming toxic. And what this test will allow you is precisely that: Know if your relationship has a future beyond the present crisis or if for the good of both it is better to move on to another chapter. Answer all the questions honestly and you will come to a conclusion about it.
