Do you think you know the reasons for choosing a person as a partner?

Do you think you know the reasons for choosing a person as a partner?

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Test description

Do you think you know the reasons for choosing the person as a partner?
Many people believe that they have no luck in love or that love is not for them directly. Because they have stumbled upon the same stone over and over again when choosing their partner and they have not gone through good experiences. However, you have to know that we are all apt to love and be loved. It's just about knowing how to choose the right person for us.

If things have not gone well in love, it is possible that you are choosing from lack, or from traumas from your past relationships. It is also possible that your self-esteem is low and that you look for complicated people as a form of self-boycott. Anyway, you have to detect these situations so that your next love search yields the results you want. Being clear about what you want and why you want it is the first step to finding it.

Do you want to know how and why you choose what you choose? We invite you to take the following test to analyze how you are making your love choices. To do this, you have to answer each of the questions honestly and at the end you will find a very interesting conclusion that will help you make better choices in matters of love.
