Do you think you have communication problems in your current relationship?

Do you think you have communication problems in your current relationship?

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Test description

Do you think you have communication problems in your current relationship?
Good communication is essential in any bond and especially in a relationship. Because it is the way to resolve conflicts, clarify doubts and navigate the crises that every relationship goes through at different times. Having fluid and effective communication implies being able to say what bothers us, expressing our needs with maturity and also being receptive to the demands and proposals of the other person.

Learning to argue without fighting, knowing listening without wanting to impose one's own opinions. Being able to find the moments to talk about the projects and topics of interest of each member of the couple, are postulates of good communication. Couples who do not have good communication are moving away a little every day, even if they are still physically together. Not talking about problems and disagreements, far from what many think, does not make conflicts disappear, but deepens them.

The test that we propose below has a list of key questions that will help you to know what level of communication exists in your partner. We invite you to answer each of the questions very honestly and at the end you will know what things you have to improve in communication with your partner.
