Do you still love your partner the same as at the beginning of the relationship?

Do you still love your partner the same as at the beginning of the relationship?

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Test description

Do you still love your partner the same as at the beginning of the relationship?
In life and in relationships the only permanent thing is constant change. And just like all changes around us, mutations also occur within us and, therefore, in our love relationships. Far from that childish idea of perfect love, it is necessary to understand that couples go through different stages. Ups and downs. And that is not necessarily bad.

But what is necessary is a sufficient amount of love and the desire to build so that a relationship can survive the passage of time and the difficulties of everyday life. And it must be said that many couples remain together out of habit, for fear of loneliness, for children, but without genuine love. And in those cases it is not desirable for either of you to move on.

Have you ever wondered if love still exists in your relationship? Here we speak of love as a sum of admiration, tenderness, passion and camaraderie. Mutual tolerance and respect. All basic condiments in a true and healthy relationship. If you want to find out how much in love you are with your partner today, the test that we present below will be very useful. We invite you to answer all the questions to find out how much is left of habit and how much of true love.
